I Do (S:3,E:6)
"O ye friends of God in His cities and His loved ones in His lands! This Wronged One enjoineth on you honesty and piety. Blessed the city that shineth by their light. Through them man is exalted, and the door of security is unlocked before the face of all creation. Happy the man that cleaveth fast unto them, and recognizeth their virtue, and woe betide him that denieth their station." (Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 22)
0) Not a lot of easter eggs in this one. But, plenty of emotion.
1) "Lift up your head and look to the North." Is that where the other island is, or One-Eyed Jack? Notice that it said John underneath the scripture. Is that for the gospel of John, or a message to Locke? Check out the picture I added to see what's North.
2) So this is the marriage that Kate was speaking of when she was playing the drinking game with Sawyer. "What you see is what you get." Not with Kate. There was a comedian at the DC Improv, she spoke of irony. Irony is: Kate marrying a cop. Especially one that investigates fugitives. I'm telling you...we should go back to ancient Roman times and brand fugitives on the forehead with "FUGI" (et tu Brute?) so they can't dupe anyone else.
3) I also remember Kate telling Sun last season that she's used a pregnancy test before.
4) So Carl was Alex's boyfriend. Guess he wasn't a kidnapped tailie (though that theory could still work). Loved the slingshot. I had to try hard to keep from giggling. When Ben asks about Alex, he's told that Alex has been taken home. Is that to the Other neighborhood on the main island? And, did Benry raise Alex? He seemed to show some inkling of care for her. Something tells me that we're not far from an Alex/Rousseou reunion when LOST comes back from it's 12 year hiatus.
5) What's with Sawyer's willingness to die? One would expect him to fight for his life when death is imminent. But, he chose instead to let it happen (even though it didn't), possibly thinking it would save Kate.
6) Jack's story to Kate when she was sewing him up in the Pilot episode: "Well, fear's sort of an odd thing. When I was in residency my first solo procedure was a spinal surgery on a 16 year old kid, a girl. And at the end, after 13 hours, I was closing her up and I, I accidentally ripped her dural sac, shredded the base of the spine where all the nerves come together, membrane as thin as tissue. And so it ripped open and the nerves just spilled out of her like angel hair pasta, spinal fluid flowing out of her and the terror was just so crazy. So real. And I knew I had to deal with it. (crying). So I just made a choice. I'd let the fear in, let it take over, let it do its thing, but only for 5 seconds, that's all I was going to give it. So I started to count, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then it was gone. I went back to work, sewed her up and she was fine."
7) Best line of the show: "Who said I was going to operate? I just wanted you to know how you are going to die!"
8) Desmond in the Promo saying something to the tune of: "You don't want to know what happened to me in there." So...Desmond knows? This one should be good.
9) So, one of the Others says that Jack wasn't even on Jacob's list. Who's Jacob? Is that Jacob Vander-something, Hanso Board Member?
10) Anyway...long time til Feb 7th. But, 16 straight weeks!?!? I'll have my work cut out for me. Time to get some rest.
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