Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Two For The Road (S:2,E:20)

Can I just say What The F_ck?!?!?!?

Ok…that episode was so F'n confusing. So, Ana Lucia's character had kinda fallen by the wayside. The directors admitted that it wasn't quite going as they planned. The relationship with Jack wasn't going anywhere. The "building an army" thing never got off the ground. She randomly hooks up with Sawyer. And now we find out that she knew Jack's father…but, now Jack will never know……….cuz she got killed at the end of the episode.

And the whole thing with Libby possibly stalking Hurley for a long time and her whole story line was getting good. And she's dead too. Well…maybe. I think the red liquid we saw spilling was wine, and that may have saved her (as she had it under the blankets). Plus, in the preview for next week, they say "She's dead" not "They're dead". Michelle Rodriguez was on Good Morning America this morning confirming that her character (Anna Lucia) is dead.

Who's next? Eko? I know his story (which I loved that episode) hasn't really gone anywhere, and he's been non-existent lately.

I like the part where Sawyer bangs into the door of the car that Ana Lucia and Jack's father are sitting in. That's the same bar that Sawyer meets Jack's father in.

Michael, obviously, was only doing what he was told to do in order to get his son back (or the chance to join the others and be with his son again). We all knew he was lying when he said the others are savages who live in tents, etc, etc. At least, that's when I knew something was wrong with him.

If you remember what I said before, that I feel Locke would be invited to join the others. Looks like it may have been close, as "Henry" was coming to get him.

Another prediction that I'm revisiting…that Jack's father is the leader of the others. I'm so convinced of that right now. I have to go back and watch it, once I get my season 1 DVDs back. But, there was no body in the casket in the episode when Jack was chasing his father through the jungle.

Anyway…they can't keep killing off characters because they don't feel the character is developing. They have plenty of time to develop characters if they don't take 3 weeks off between each new episode. To me, this is bad writing.

In conclusion…I still liked the episode. It was above average. Sure, it had the shocker ending that will win over a lot of people. But, (in my best Randy Jackson impression) "It started out a little shaky, but it came together alright. It was okay, dog."

By the way…did y'all catch the Hanso commercial during one of the breaks. Silly MFers.

And what's with all the darn Patsy Cline music?

That's my commentary…now for what's out there on the internet:

1) Several people noted that the station Jack's father tuned into while driving with Ana Lucia was 99.9, which is 666 (evil) upside down. Yes…that's a stretch.

2) The police cars had the numbers 23, 15, 16

3) More on the commercial: "The Hanso foundation commercial was placed into the regular commercial line up as if it were a real commercial. After the commercial the show did not resume but there were more commercials. ABC you have really pulled it off! My hats off to you for this cool trick. I hope you were not in the bathroom when this came on. The commercial showed Leonardo Davinci and one of his artworks. You also see the space shuttle and a strand of DNA. In the background you see the sun coming up over what looks like a mountain and there is a body of water in front of it. Do you dare call the number 1-877-hansorg? I called it but did not get through. Some folks on the board have claimed to have gotten through. They say that Geronimo Jackson is mentioned. I read one account that said it says what have you done with Alvar Hanso and who is in charge here? The Hanso foundation was first introduced in the episode Orientation when we saw it in the hatch film." This guy also claims that this is why he thinks Alvar Hanso is the "Him" they're talking about. The leader of the others.

4) A lot of talk about the "Daughter" that Jack's father wanted to see. Many are saying that it's Claire.


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