Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Maternity Leave (S:2,E:15)

(Updating this Blog with info from another old email)

What’s up with Zeke’s costume? For a place that looks abandoned, the Serpent Handler Hatch had Zeke’s beard and that costume glue. Wasn’t Zeke wearing that a few days earlier when Jack and the gang met up with him in the forest? Has Zeke been at the S.H. Hatch recently? Maybe he has more than one set.

The "others" have taken on a new definition. They have some way of getting to the "outside world". They dress up in their tattered clothes, for the Losties to see (Zeke's costume).

So, was Kate’s childhood friend an experimental kid in the hatch? He had the same plane for a toy that was on the mobile on the crib at the Serpent Handler Hatch.

Did Aaron pass the infection to Sun? If she is actually pregnant, I got my money on Hurley being the father.

So, Alex saved Claire. Right? The others must not have noticed that. Cuz, she was there in the forest when she brought out Kate (whom they had captured). Unless that wasn’t Alex. Or the Alex that brought out Kate, was a different Alex.

Another reference to the Wizard of Oz (The first being Henry Gale…same name as Dorothy's uncle…and the hot air balloon). Henry Gale referred to Stephen King. LOST lightly resembles one of Stephen King's greatest masterpieces. And I'm not talking about The Stand. Anyone want to take a guess? Someone on the message boards listed a bunch of the similarities. It was very interesting.

Someone on the message boards mentioned something that I also felt. Does Henry Gale remind you of Verbal Kent in the Usual Suspects. Could Gale turn out to be the "He" that Zeke was referring to in Claire’s flashback? Obviously, he's rubbed Locke the wrong way. But, for Locke to let something like that bother him that much…it strays from his character. I hope…really hope…we get into Locke's background story again. Was he really paralyzed? Was it psychological? How did he end up that way? And what happened to the lady? Did she die in the "accident"? They also need to revisit Locke's confrontation with the "Monster". What memories did it download?

Maybe the "He" is Jack’s father. I don't think he's dead.

Still trying to figure out the part with Eko cutting down the tree. Any significance? Stuff like that….if it has no real significance…it ends up on the cutting room floor.

Final Thought:

You know…these people have way too much to do with Hanso and each other. If you noticed, almost all of the main characters didn't purchase their own plane tickets. They were all given to them through other people in various circumstances. Did the Hanso's Dharma project include crashing the plane so they could do their experiment?


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