Friday, March 30, 2007

Expose (S:3,E:14)

1) I guess this episode made up for even bringing the two characters into play. In the end, they did nothing, they added nothing and they effected nothing. This was the writers of the show basically saying they screwed up by writing those characters in, and consequently wrote them out. They never even had anything to do with the mystery of the island. Though we did hear the cloud when Nikki poisoned Paulo. She looked around as if she saw something. Overall, the episode had some interesting parts, but was overall a snore-fest. Literally. On three occasions I woke up and had to rewind the DVR.

2) Among other characters long gone, I liked seeing Ethan. Although we knew he was there in the beginning acting like a survivor, he seems to pop up at the most random places, and seems very sinister. He told Nikki and Paulo to go inland to find their bag. Was he planning to kidnap them? Were they on the list?

3) One of the posters pointed out an interesting double-meaning. When Nikki tells Paulo, "Promise me we'll never end up like them." She's refering to Shannon and Boone, who were arguing. But, Shannon and Boone died...and while they're officially dead...Nikki and Paulo have pretty much bit it. But, I add this. Locke said "Things don't stay buried on this island." Could it be that someone will discover Nikki and Paulo in time? Now how about this quote. "We poisoned him—let's not poison ourselves." Another line that Nikki told Paulo.

4) Never knew this, but there is a 'Vincent is the monster' theory. The dog?!?! The thinking is that Vincent has been leading people into danger, or finding clues. It has been pointed out that Vincent was the 2nd character we ever see on the show, after Jack. Maybe he's more important than we think. Another poster pointed out the opposite (from the Monster Theory). Maybe he's working against the island. He uncovered Nikki and Paulo, in a last ditch effort to save their lives. Some even ask if he's even a dog. If he's the monster, posing as the dog, then we have a question of whether the monster is working with or against the island.

5) We continue to see Benry's plan unfolding. This time it was in the Pearl hatch, with Juliet, checking out Jack. This doesn't deviate from any theory regarding whether they had Jack brought to the island, or not. But, gives us a little more insight.

6) Billy Dee Williams was the Cobra commander. That's what Hurley was surprised to hear. Why, because Billy Dee was a thought to be a good guy. Is it possible that someone amongst the survivors could be a Cobra among the good guys? Could one of the LOSTies be the one that Ben and the Others refer to as "Him"? In Expose, the Cobra wasn't exposed until after the 4th season. Could that happen in LOST? Some other interesting similarities between the "show" Expose and LOST. Nikki makes a comment on knowing what happens to guest stars.

7) Now to what bothered me the most, and will take some explaining (if they even bother to explain). Paulo saw the others in the Pearl hatch, in a scene which takes place before Benry was caught...yet he tells nobody?!

8) By the way...loved the part where Sawyer referred to Nikki and Paulo as Jabronis. Then he later calls them "Nina and Pablo"

9) Charlotte's Web fans unite!!! Let's see. Spiders. Pigs (when Arzt mentions pigs walking...which is a reference to Animal Farm). Oh, and of course, Mr. Zukerman.

10) Next episode is named "Left Behind" and focuses on this character.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More on The Man From Tallahassee

1) A little easter egg that took me longer than most to notice. The guy who opened the door, revealing Locke's father was the same guy who was recruiting Juliet.

2) "The BOX": Time to attempt to tie this together with "The Monster" (a.k.a. The Security System). Kate saw a black horse. This doesn't explain the horse being in her flashback, causing the accident. Hugo saw Dave, I'll have to go back and check to see if there was any Black in Dave's wardrobe. However, Dave was in Hurley's imagination in flashbacks. Maybe I'm onto something here. Jack saw his father, who was wearing a black suit. However, I doubt Jack's father was a figment of his imagination in his flashbacks. We saw Eko's images in the monster while it was in cloud form. The monster was reading his thoughts. I know there is the fact that past and present are the difference here, but it begs a question. Is there a link between the box and the cloud? Ok...I didn't really tie this together well...but, still something to think about. As Homer Simpson once said..."I'm smart. S-M-R-T. Smart"

3) I touched on Jack and Claire possibly finding out that they're brother and sister by both seeing the image of their father together. How about Sawyer and Locke? Anthony Cooper is there now...and if he truly is the real Sawyer...then James (the current Sawyer) could possibly come across him as well. Would he recognize him, if Cooper is the real Sawyer?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Man from Tallahassee (S:3,E:13)

1) So it WAS a submarine! Check out this post (point #10) where we hear mention of a sub.

2) I'm glad that we see Benry back to normal. He is "evil". Was there any doubt that he wanted Locke to destroy the submarine? And now we've confirmed (as far as we know) that Benry was born on the island. We also see that the island possibly has an inverse effect on him. While it heals those that are not native to the island, it possibly hurts those native to it (or slows their healing).

3) We finally find out why Locke was paralyzed. I guess the paralysis being psycho-somatic isn't true. However, several doors were opened. First, we find out that Locke truly did have mental issues (depression). Could that really have been him in the nut-house staring at the painting behind Hurley? Locke's therapist says, "John, you fell eight stories out of a window. I don't want to hear about what you can't do." Is this where the "Don't tell me what I can't do," was born?

4) Again we hear about the island giving you what you want. Letting you see what you want to see. Would it be stupid to think that what we saw may not be Locke's father?

5) Next episode is titled "Expose" and is a flashback on a couple of people that we have yet to see a flashback on.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the light version. This post will be updated in the next couple of days with more]

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Par Avion (S:3,E:12)

1) Not that the foreshadowing from previous seasons didn't make it a clear possibility, but it was nice to be right about SOMETHING!!! Christian Shephard (Jack's father) is also Claire's father. Slowly we're seeing more and more people connected to Christian Shephard. This makes an earlier theory rear it's ugly head again. In season one, when Jack sees his father (who I think now was just an image made from the black smoke, much like Eko seeing his brother), and when he chases his father down, he arrives at his father's casket. When he breaks it open, there's no body, but they kinda didn't make a big deal about that. Mikhail talked about a great man. He also said, that man is not Benry. So, back to my theory, is Christian Shephard still alive, and is he this great man?

2) Speaking of what he says...Mikhail points out to Sayid and Kate that they weren't on "The List". However, he basically says that Locke was. Though the list points out weaknesses. Benry talked about this before when he and Locke were in the hatch and Benry was held captive. He said that he was there to bring Locke back. And we saw in the previews that Locke and Benry meet again, and that Benry knows a whole lot more about Locke than we thought. Mikhail has a memory of lock "para...". But, Mikhail has been on the island for 11 years, Locke has been paralyzed for 4 years. With Mikhail biting the dust...we may never get an explanation for that.

3) Back to the story line. We see that Claire is linked to death now too...well, maybe not death. She was (as far as we know) responisble for the accident that put her mother in a coma. She said she hated her mother and wished she was dead right before the accident. Nice touch, by the way, on the "no seatbelt" light in the car.

4) will Jack and Claire find out they are siblings. My theory is that the black smoke, as Christian Shephard, will appear to both of them.

5) At the end we see Jack running for his football with Zeke. The look on Kate's face was priceless.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Enter 77 (S:3,E:11)

1) I would like to see if the story of the war waged by Dharma on the Hostiles (the Others) is true, or if the Others truly are Dharma. For now...let's say that's what happened. So maybe the hostiles weren't kidding when they said they are good people (as far as they believe). Judging by the experiments that Dharma is known to do, the Others/Hostiles could be a lot like another terrorist organization known as PETA (Yes, my tree-hugging friends, I called PETA a terrorist organization). More interesting to me is the fact that Mikhail said the Hostiles had been there long before Dharma got there.

2) I don't believe that the satellite dish has not worked for years. I believe the 2004 world series video came from this station via its access to the mainland. Jack's files were probably received there. But, I believe that the communications were all knocked out when "the sky turned purple". And now that Locke entered 77, all communication is LOST.

3) If I remember correctly, Kelvin made some comments about the Hostiles as well. Maybe that's why Kelvin was there, at the hatch, with the guns (other than the fact that he was diffusing the magnetic anomaly every 108 minutes). I'm guessing that the advertisement (ad-ver-tiz-ment) "Save the World" will rear its head from time to time. I'm sure that's what Kelvin saw, bringing him to the island. I also believe that's the same ad that Kelvin responded to, because Kelvin told Desmond that he's saving the world.

4) The Flame Hatch makes six now. We've seen the Swan (where Desmond was), Arrow (where the Tailies housed themselves), Medical (where Ethan Rom took a pregnant Claire), and the Pearl (Where they monitored other stations). Regarding the similarities to Apollo's constellations, the Flame could be direct reference to Apollo, who represents the sun, with the Pearl referencing his twin sister Artemis, who represents the moon (See this link). [EDITOR'S NOTE: Yes...I can't count]

5) Sawyer's character is changing. He seems to be getting away from the guy that everybody hates, and getting closer to the guy that everyone is growing to like. The role is very big brother-ish, in my opinion. They seem to be looking up to him, but they all want to one-up him. It's interesting to see how they show the scenes where he's thinking of Kate. Ever wonder who gave him those glasses he was playing with?

6) How was Mikhail not able to beat a computer chess game (though it was programmed by 3 grand masters, according to Mikhail), but Locke beats it twice in one afternoon? Also, did anyone notice that Locke actually didn't win? The computer could have protected its King. Kudos to D.U. for finding this. The Bishop could have protected the King. This isn't oversight. There is something to the "computer cheats" thing.

7) Why would Danielle disappear like that when she's supposed to be looking for her daughter? Again, D.U. hits the nail on the head. We still don't know much about Danielle. She could be an "Other" for all we know.

8) I'm actually surprised that Sayid confessed to the torture in the end. He did a great job of convincing me that he didn't do it. I was sure that there was some mix up. But, we see that Sayid was definitely guilty of something, like most of the Losties are. But, in the end, Samy's wife teaches Sayid compassion and forgiveness, which he passed on to Mikhail.

9) Next episode is called Par Avion, and is based on this character. (Note: I want to minimize spoilers for anyone that may want as little of the show spoiled as possible, hence the link to the character)

Friday, March 02, 2007

The Gunslinger

Looks like the LOST writers have taken on the first book of Stephen King's Dark Tower Series, The Gunslinger, as a big screen production. I've mentioned before that the LOST writers (Abrams and Lindelof) are huge King fans, and incorporate a lot of things from Stephen King books into LOST. The Gunslinger probably bears a lot of those resemblences.

I can't wait for this one. The Dark Tower Series (and The Stand which also bears resemblence to LOST) are, in my opinion, Stephen King's best books.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tricia Tanaka is Dead (S:3,E:10)

1) I have to say, I laughed more during this episode than I've laughed at a LOST episode in a long time. My favorite scene had to be the meteor hitting the Mr. Clucks that Hurley just bought. The scene where Sawyer yelps and says there's a head in the back of the car had me rolling on the floor. My favorite line is when Hurley runs up and hugs Sawyer when he sees him for the first time and Sawyer says, "Well I missed you too, Snuffy." Sesame Street fans can only understand that. And Skeletor?! That was it. Maybe I'm the only one that finds these things funny. Who knows?

2) So...back to the plot. Looks like the numbers are linked to death. Tricia Tanaka is dead, so is Hurley's grandfather, and the dude that fell from the window when Hurley was visiting his accountant. I have to go back and look, but I'm pretty sure his accountant (in season 1) talked about another one of Hurley's businesses burning to the ground. However, he keeps getting richer due to insurance payments. I wonder if the insurance companies will do an investigation due to all of his mishaps. Another character linked to death is Walt. Animals that he is linked to (comics, pictures, etc) end up dying or getting killed. His mother died. Only question I have surrounds whether it's the numbers, or Hurley, or the combination of the two that are linked to death. The original numbers guy died too.

3) Hurley's father isn't the only one to tell Hurley to make his own luck. The lady he visited in Australia said the same.

4) Speaking of Hurley's father, it was great to see Cheech Marin in that role. What's next? Tommy Chong is Paulo's father? It was a nice touch to see that Hurley kept the Camaro that he was working on with his father. And, the Apollo Chocolate Bar was a nice touch. Speaking of Paulo and Nikki we're getting close to the episode based on them.

5) Looks like Kate put 2 & 2 together. She told Danielle about Alex. This was inevitable. "Slingshot Sally" (another Sawyer nickname) and her mother will be reunited. This should be interesting, especially with Alex believing that Benry is her father. Will there be a struggle for Alex to accept it, or will she know? I forget the psychological term, but it's that thing where a mother and child can be seperated at birth, yet they can meet 20 years down the road, and know. Should be interesting to see how soon that happens. There is supposed to be an episode based on Danielle's flashbacks during this season. I expect that one to be the episode where they re-unite. It isn't for a while though.

6) Regarding the car, it makes sense that it would be there. Forgetting the lack of a road, and the plans that Sawyer found for the construction for roads, there could be enough flat land for a car to get around. Heck...there could have been a dirt road, and the foliage could have grown over it. It was (or looked like) a VW Bus with the Dharma symbol on the front. Of course, there were some things that were strange. Popping a clutch at that speed will give you whiplash, or the tires will lose traction unless you pop in 4th or 5th gear (I don't think those had a 5th gear). Neither happened. Rule of thumb though, is to pop the clutch in 2nd.

7) Some people have noticed a super structure in the background to the right of this image of the map that Sawyer found in the car. And on this map of the Swan Station.

8) Next episode is titled "Enter 77" and is based on Sayid's flashbacks.