Friday, April 25, 2008

The Shape of Things to Come (S4:E9)

Just a warning...this week will be light, and next week will be non-existent, due to my Cancun vacation. Things should be back to normal afterwards.

By the way...did anyone like the episode? It was pretty good in my opinion. A lot of questions answered. Also, the title, "The Shape of Things to Come" is a book that's written as a historical book from the future. More time references.

1) So Sayid finally finds Nadia. He marries Nadia. Nadia gets killed. Ben gets in Sayid's head and we now know why Sayid works for/with Ben. Sayid is now an assassin out of his anger towards Nadia's death. I can't wait for the next Sayid Flash-Forward, when he finds Nadia. That should be on the same level as Desmond calling Penny.

2) Some Ben Questions: So how does Ben know that Hurley knows how to find Jacob? Did he figure it out when he went into the stone door and summoned the Monster? What exactly was in that room? Does Ben actually have a heart now, after Alex was killed? What was the deal he had in place with Widmore, now that the rules have changed? How will Desmond play into the whole part about Ben wanting to kill Penny? When did Widmore's accent go Australian? And the Shotgun in the Piano seat was classic!!!

3) This Ben question needed it's own spot. When he's spotted by the Bedouins, one of the Bedouin points out how Ben does not have a trail. The other replies, "Where did he come from? Down from the sky?" (From Lostpedia). Do you think Ben will find an excavation of Polar Bear bones nearby? The Vile Vorticies Theory is in full effect here.

4) What's the deal with Jack? In the "scenes from next week" Juliette says that his appendix has ruptured. Wouldn't it be creepy if the dead doctor from the island operates on ben from the ship in some twisted time warp? At first I thought he was taking the pill, and his addiction started from this point...but it turns out it was Amoxicillin. Not Oxycontin.

5) Ben uses the name Dean Moriarty. Sherlock Holmes's arch nemesis was Dr. Moriarty.

6) The name on Ben's Parka in the desert is Halliwax. As in, Edgar Halliwax, which is another name that Marvin Candle uses in the orientation videos.

7) A lot of loose talk about why Ben won't/can't kill Widmore. Some say Widmore can't die off the island, because he's been there (much like Michael). Another interesting one is that Ben and Widmore are each others' constants, and one would die without the other.

8) "Australia is key to winning the game." Hurley said something similar to that while playing Risk with Sawyer and Locke. I agree, in Risk that is. Australia is the first place I go in Risk. One point of entry from outside attackers, three territories in a safety net. However, in terms of LOST, Hurley may not be that far off either. They were all on a flight from Australia. We'll see if Australia plays any more of a role than it already has.

Sorry...short one this week...followed by a short hiatus. See you in a couple of weeks.


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