Friday, February 22, 2008

Eggtown (S4:E4)

Eggtown: A sales term for a town/city/area where trying to make deals only has undesirable outcomes. This has some historical reference to eggs and the prohibition. Salesmen who wanted to either warn another salesman about a town not worth making deals in, or wanted to keep a town for themselves by keeping other salesmen away would call the town an "Eggtown".

1) 8 survivors of the plane crash? We know 4 of the Oceanic 6 (Jack, Kate, Sayid and Hurley). Who are the 4 other crash survivors? I'm assuming they will say they died on the island. I'm assuming Claire is not going to be one of the 8, because they are hiding Aaron's identity as Kate's child. What are we to assume with Claire? Would she have parted with her child, to give him a better life? Obviously, if that is the case...she stayed on the island unwillingly, if she's still alive. Is Aaron one of the Oceanic 6? Maybe by default, he isn't because he wasn't born until after the crash.

2) Does anyone remember Desmond's premonition last season, where he sees Claire getting on the helicopter with Aaron and leaving the island? Do you think, maybe, Claire dies before ever getting rescued? Some of the theorists out there think that Jack doesn't want to see Aaron, because he has a hand in Claire's death (accident or not), and that Aaron will remind him of his sister.

3) On another note, in Claire's first flashback episode ever ("Raised by Another" S1:E10), she visits the psychic, Richard Malkin. He tells her that it is imperative that she raises the child herself, because Claire is a good person and she must influence her goodness on her child. When she tells him that she is giving him up for adoption, Richard tells her it's not a good idea. Aaron is being raised by another...I wonder if this will play out at all.

4) Again, we get hints of a time displacement. The chopper hasn't reached the boat yet, and it's been about a day since they left. However, this is more than 31 minutes. Next episode has to clear this up. There are too many questions at this point.

5) Loved this little tidbit from Lostpedia: Shawn Doyle (Duncan Forrester) previously worked with Elisabeth Mitchell (Juliet Burke) in the film "Frequency". The film involved time travel where Doyle's character, a serial killer named Jack Shepard, is prevented from killing Mitchell's character.

6) "You just totally Scooby-Doo'ed me." Hurley and Sawyer as roomies. Monetzuma? As in the Montezuma's Revenge...cuz the toilet flushed?!?!? Honestly, I think you have to be a LOST fan to find this stuff so funny...but I don't know what was said after this as I was trying not to fall off the couch from laughter.

7) Interesting thoughts by some posters. Part of the story with Jack, Kate and Aaron is that Jack, being Aaron's uncle, might actually pass a paternity test. The cover would be that Jack is Aaron's father, and that is why he was brought to trial.

8) Looks like Daniel is suffering from memory issues on the island. He couldn't remember the third card in the test of memory. One poster mentioned that Daniel had difficulty remembering his name in the episode where he landed on the island. I have to go back and watch this again, but I seem to remember him being a little groggy. But, that could have just been the fact that he just parachuted out of a chopper that he didn't want to jump out of.

9) I thought for a while that Charlotte was Ben's "Man on the boat". However, now I have little doubt that Miles is Ben's "Man on the boat". Miles wanted privacy, but Kate wouldn't leave. He wanted $3.2 million. A strange number. He argued over time of delivery (3 week). Could this have been a code between them?

10) So we're back to backgammon, and black and white. The dark side, the light side. Locke used the white pieces in season 1. He's using the black pieces now, as he's gone to the dark side. Alternatively, Sawyer used white...and it seems he's gone to the light side. Our very own Han Solo.

11) Did Locke take Ben's old role...and is his posse playing out the role of the Others? If another plane crashed on the island...they would find themselves playing out the role of the Others, and the new Crash Victims would be like the original Losties. This show seems to be all about loops (time loops, plot loops, etc).

12) The book that Locke gives to Ben is called VALIS. VALIS stands for Vast Active Living Intelligence System. The book is about an ancient, mechanical intelligence orbiting the earth that has been guiding people’s thoughts.

13) Xanadu has several references: 1. The movie about a man who crosses over into another dimension. 2. A poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, about a famous tropical paradise. 3. The name of Charles Foster Kane's mansion in "Citizen Kane".

14) The Book Sawyer is reading is The Invention of Morel. It is a story about a fugitive who hides on a deserted island in the South Pacific.

15) On a side-note. I have not forgotten the other Others. Ben sent them to the "Temple" with Richard. How long until they make an appearance?

16) The scenes from the next episode had a short haired Desmond talking to Daniel. So either he gets a haircut on the boat, or next week is a Desmond episode. The next episode is named, "The Constant"


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