Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What Kate Did

Here's some things I notices about the last episode:
1) The car that crashed wasn't even damaged when Kate drove off (and it was the black horse that caused the crash)

2) When Kate went to visit her "father" in the army recruitment office…there's TV footage of middle-eastern soldiers being taken hostage…guess who was one of them…(drum roll)….Sayid!!!

3) The theory (in my previous email) about it being 2012 when they crash on the island (the Mayan year for the end of the world)…well when its showing Kate's past…she pays for the train ticket with brand new $20 bills (the colored ones).


Another sign pointing this being the lost continent of Mu:

The Greek letter for M is MU. Looks like this - µ -

Anyone on a Windows computer who wants to know how to get that character, simply go into any program that will allow text, hold down the ALT key and type 4815162342 (interesting numbers, huh?) on the keypad (not the numbers above the letters, but the keypad), then take your finger off ALT. Viola!

Also if you take µ and tilt it 45 degrees and add a couple lines you get the Hanso Logo (see picture above).


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