A Tale of Two Cities (S:3,E:01)
Lost is back!!!
So...I'll start this off with some of my thoughts...then I'll add some info from other sites afterwards.
My Quick Thoughts:
1) How many of you "Losties" had goose-bumps by the time it cut to the first commercials?
2) Henry…er…Fenry…er…Benry now has a name
3) Trying to figure things out…but it seemed like Sawyer knew Juliette from somewhere
4) Stephen King referenced again. The writers love Stephern King. I've heard that you get a lot of similarities between LOST and King's books "The Stand" and "The Dark Tower Series". They had his book "Carrie" in their book club. Carrie is a story about a girl with telekinetic powers. Forshadowing? Walt?
5) "Let it go" on the intercom. Mind game?
6) Looks like Sawyer's locked in a Skinner Box (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinner_box )
7) Polar Bears….Sawyer in Bear Cage
8) Sharks…Jack in Shark Tank
9) The Siberian dude at the end of Season two that looks like Jack. It wasn't actually Matthew Fox, like I thought. It was Len Cordova ( http://imdb.com/name/nm0502653/).
Others' Thoughts (in my words, for the most part):
The title of the show refers to a book by Charles Dickens which opens with "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity."
Can we call it, "A Tale of Two Camps"?
The show opens in Juliet's eye. Much like the opening of season 2 with Desmond, we think she's somewhere other than the island (I thought she was Penelope for a while). In her book club, we see that someone (Ben) is not there. After the "earthquake" she runs into Ben who coyly remarks by saying he is no longer in the book club when he sees Juliet with the book Carrie. Ben is Fenry (now known as Benry).
The view of the plane coming down and breaking apart in mid air was a nice effect.
So...are the "Others" people that worked for Dharma who stayed on the island after the electromagnetic contamination? Or, are they children that were part of the Dharma Initiative testing that happened on the island before? Could this be why they are now testing other children? Walt...Alex?
So...I'll start this off with some of my thoughts...then I'll add some info from other sites afterwards.
My Quick Thoughts:
1) How many of you "Losties" had goose-bumps by the time it cut to the first commercials?
2) Henry…er…Fenry…er…Benry now has a name
3) Trying to figure things out…but it seemed like Sawyer knew Juliette from somewhere
4) Stephen King referenced again. The writers love Stephern King. I've heard that you get a lot of similarities between LOST and King's books "The Stand" and "The Dark Tower Series". They had his book "Carrie" in their book club. Carrie is a story about a girl with telekinetic powers. Forshadowing? Walt?
5) "Let it go" on the intercom. Mind game?
6) Looks like Sawyer's locked in a Skinner Box (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinner_box )
7) Polar Bears….Sawyer in Bear Cage
8) Sharks…Jack in Shark Tank
9) The Siberian dude at the end of Season two that looks like Jack. It wasn't actually Matthew Fox, like I thought. It was Len Cordova ( http://imdb.com/name/nm0502653/).
Others' Thoughts (in my words, for the most part):
The title of the show refers to a book by Charles Dickens which opens with "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity."
Can we call it, "A Tale of Two Camps"?
The show opens in Juliet's eye. Much like the opening of season 2 with Desmond, we think she's somewhere other than the island (I thought she was Penelope for a while). In her book club, we see that someone (Ben) is not there. After the "earthquake" she runs into Ben who coyly remarks by saying he is no longer in the book club when he sees Juliet with the book Carrie. Ben is Fenry (now known as Benry).
The view of the plane coming down and breaking apart in mid air was a nice effect.
So...are the "Others" people that worked for Dharma who stayed on the island after the electromagnetic contamination? Or, are they children that were part of the Dharma Initiative testing that happened on the island before? Could this be why they are now testing other children? Walt...Alex?
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