Thursday, May 24, 2007

Through the Looking Glass (S:3;E:22)

1) I'm going to toot my horn for a second. As soon as I saw Jack with the beard, I told my friends I was watching the finale with "That's the future". Then there was the part where he was distraught on the bridge and makes a phone call, calling the person in the voicemail "Annie". Annie who? Ben's childhood girlfriend, or Kate's alias from Season 1? (EDITOR'S NOTE: In the official transcript it says "JACK: Hey. It's me. I er, I just read... " and not "Annie, it's me", so even though my little "Annie" theory got killed, I'll leave it here anyway. Thanks Summy for pointing that out)

2) Jack asked if Dr. Hamill would like Jack to get his father. Is his father alive?!?!?! It's easy to look over that part, because at the time, many thought it was a flashback, and not a flash-forward.

3) Who is the man in the casket? We can drive ourselves crazy thinking of that over the next 9 months, while LOST is on vacation. Kate asks why she would even go to the viewing, when Jack asks her. It could be Ben. It could be Locke, she wasn't close to him. Who knows. I think it might have even been Sawyer.

3.5) Anyone like how the name of the funeral parlor "Hoffs / Drawlar" is an anagram for "flash forward".

4) So Kate is using her alias "Annie" again. Does that mean she's still a fugitive? Did she get a presidential pardon and a new identity? Again...another question that could be discussed for the next nine months.

5) We saw all the maps in Jack's apartment. It looked like he may have triangulated a position in one of the maps.

6) Kurt Cobain died on April 5th. The obituaties in the LA Times that Jack was reading was from April 5th. Before he went to the funeral parlor, he was listening to Nirvana's "Scentless Apprentice"

7) LOSTpedia points out...there were more references to Stephen King's Dark Tower Series. Most likely because the LOST writers will be doing the movie for the Gunslinger...the first book in the Dark Tower series.

8) Not sure if the non-nickname using Sawyer is as good as the old Sawyer. Althought the line where he said something like "That's for taking the kid from the boat," was great.

9) Did anyone notice the woman sitting in the seat behind Jack in the first scene, was the same woman sitting behind him in the first episode of the entire series?!!?!?!?

10) Ben is "special", so was Walt, Locke too. Ben can see Jacob. Locke can talk to Jacob. Walt can project his image. That brings me to Aaron. Is Aaron special? He sensed when Charlie died.

11) One of the contributors on LOSTpedia asks this question (this is going with the theory of an alternate reality): Why is Oceanic in the flash forward still operating? On the website of Oceanic, the following statement is shown: "After 25 years of service, we are forced to close our doors. Due to financial difficulties in the wake of the Flight 815 tragedy, we are no longer able to sustain service. We are deeply sorry that we can no longer serve our loyal customers, and apologize for any inconvenience our decision will cause."

12) By the way...I give kudos to the writers, actors and anyone involved with Charlie's death scene. Everything leading up to it (especially Charlie's conversation with Bonnie and Greta) was epic. It's a shame that in a character's death, he becomes the most likeable character in a show.

13) My theory is that next season, they're saved early on. We get to see their lives back in society, with flashbacks to the island. Or a variation of seeing the island, and having flash-forwards.

14) Anyway...Next episode is....well....nine months away. I'm sure this won't be the last blog until next season. Check back for updates.


Blogger Sum said...

I didn't hear Jack say "Annie." Rather, I heard him say "Hey it's me." Do you have a transcript for that part?

You and I are on the same wavelength though...I called "future!" as soon as I saw bearded Jack.

As for the coffin, it did look really small, like child-size. But that could have easily been a fudge up by the crew. My top 3 guesses are Locke, Michael, or Aaron.

Jack's dad being alive, yeah I'm totally thrown by that too. Maybe this is an alternate universe? Or maybe Jack was just so delusional (Dr. "I'm not Mark" Hamil did give him the pity look at that point...could've meant "poor idiot, thinks his dad's still alive") that his memory slipped? Or, better yet, what if Jack used the island as a "magic box" to bring back his dad...

I dunno...but it will be a long 7-8 months...

10:10 AM  
Blogger Armin said... were right on the "Hey it's me" thing. So I put a quick editor's note in there.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Sum said...

Hahaha...what can I say? I'm obsessed too :-)

12:07 PM  

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