Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Watch (MP1)

The first of the missing pieces videos (a.k.a. "Mobisodes"), is a scene with Jack and Christian on the beach prior to Jack's wedding. Here are some things that myself and other Losties have noticed:

1) We know about the various "Father Issues" that characters have. Do the characters possibly have mother issues too? Jack has no problem with the fact that his father says he made a mistake in marrying Jack's mother. While we haven't truly seen whether she's there or not, we have only seen her when she asks Jack to go find his father in Australia. There has yet to be a mention of whether she attends Jack's wedding. Maybe something to watch for. Kate has mother issues. So does Locke. We all saw what a winner Jin's mother was. Claire may have killed her mother (in the accident). Walt's mom died. Sawyer's mother was shot by his father, because of her involvement with Locke's father. Shannon's mother died, and she had issues with her stepmother (Boone's mother). Hurley's mom hasn't really done much except take Hurley's father back when he may have been back for the money. Ben's mother died giving birth to him. Could season 4 have something to do with the mother issues?

2) The only other thing I can take away now is that Jack's grandfather may not have been good to Christian. So Christian has father issues too. Could this be foreshadowing into flashbacks for Christian?

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